Suitable Equipment
Equipment List
The following equipment should be worn or carried by all members
on Sunday and Wednesday fell walks throughout the year.
1. Waterproof jacket and trousers
2. Fell walking boots (trainers or smooth-soled shoes are not suitable)
3. Rucksack
4. Warm hat & gloves, and a sun hat in summer
5. Food for lunch & 2pm stop (walks can take up to 7 hours)
6. At least 1 litre of water or other fluids
7. Personal first aid kit (plasters, painkillers etc)
8. Survival bag
9. Whistle & torch
10. Extra clothing & food for emergencies
11. Mobile phone (fully charged)
12. A good map of the area, and a compass
(If you don’t know how to use them please ask another member)
Although leaders are appointed for each party, every member is responsible for their own safety on the fells, and should not rely on others to provide equipment.
When walking on high fells in snow and ice, crampons or micro-spikes are vital, and an ice axe may be necessary in some situations.
It is recommended that you leave a change of clothing on the coach.
General Committee
Barrow H F Rambling Club